Agriculture and Livelihoods

Nobo Jatra supports vulnerable men and women to increase their income and access to nutritious food through entrepreneurial literacy, agriculture and alternative livelihoods with an emphasis on approaches with potential for high involvement and low barriers to entry for women and youth.

Component Brief_Agriculture and livelihood 2020

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

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Maternal Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN)

Improved nutritional status of children under five years of age, pregnant and lactating women and adolescent girls
Component Brief_MCHN 2020


Technology, Transparency and Accountability in Nobo Jatra

At last count, within the 856,116 direct beneficiaries, Nobo Jatra further aims to target approximately 26 categories of beneficiaries through its diverse and holistic range of interventions. Challenges surrounding accurate tracking and recording of beneficiaries along with minimizing overlap between the numerous interventions have been at the fore since day one. Accountability and transparency of the selection procedure and the process and system used to capture, aggregate and disseminate data further underpins all program strategies.

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Additional Secretary Field Visit

Parallel to broader coordination strategies,   Md. Zakir Hossain Akanda, Additional Secretary (Relief), Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief undertook a field visit to Khulna and Dacope from the 22-24 October 2016. The overall goal of the visit was to firmly position Nobo Jatra as a government steered program and increase ownership of the program at the local administration level and also strengthen the buy in from local communities and beneficiaries. A further objective was to meet the Nobo Jatra team including consortium partners World Food Programme and Winrock International at the Divisional office in Khulna, frontline program staff in a working Upazila and subsequently observe tangible Nobo Jatra activities at ground level and also leverage the opportunity to interact first hand with direct program beneficiaries in their local communities.

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Nobo Jatra Launch Event


“We are optimistic that when Nobo Jatra comes to a close it will successfully bring visible changes to the lives of 856,116 beneficiaries covered through the four program working sub districts.” Honorable Minister, Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, Government of Bangladesh


“We will only be truly successful in our efforts by working together, building strong and fruitful partnerships and sharing the knowledge we have with each other to bring tangible change to the lives of our 856,116 beneficiaries”. The US Ambassador to Bangladesh


Formal launch of ‘Nobo Jatra – new beginning’ USAID Food for Peace Title II Development Food Assistance Program in Bangladesh

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A Letter from the Chief of Party

Dear friends and colleagues,

2016 has proved to be an exciting year for us at Nobo Jatra with some thrilling highs such as the signing of our Host Country Agreement in August coupled with the fantastic execution of our milestone program launch event in November featured in detail within this issue of the newsletter. We’ve had a number of notable visits to our program working areas by valued stakeholders from our nodal Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief as well as representatives from World Vision global and senior management from our national office in Bangladesh. Read more