Collaborating, Learning and Adapting for greater impact!

For the first time, the three USAID/Food for Peace DFSA’s in Bangladesh went on a learning tour to SHOUHARDO III working areas in Jamalpur to learn about sustainable, equitable approaches to build stronger, self-reliant communities.

National Dialogue on Community Clinics in south-west Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges

National Dialogue on Opportunities and Challenges of Community Clinics in south west Bangladesh hosted by World Vision Bangladesh and CBHC, 11 September 2019. ‘The Community Based Health Care of the Government of Bangladesh commit to working with World Vision Bangaldesh to meet and agree on the way forward to address the major gaps in community clinics in south west Bangladesh. We commit to replicate recommendations from World Vision’s work with community clinics across the country.’


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Community clinics in south west Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities

Community Clinics in the south west Bangladesh.Challenges.and.Opportunities